There is no substitute for a culture of integrity in organizations. Compliance alone with the law is not enough. History shows that those who make a practice of skating close to the edge always wind up going over the line. A higher bar of ethics performance is necessary. That bar needs to be set and monitored in the boardroom.  ~J. Richard Finlay writing in The Globe and Mail.

Sound governance is not some abstract ideal or utopian pipe dream. Nor does it occur by accident or through sudden outbreaks of altruism. It happens when leaders lead with integrity, when directors actually direct and when stakeholders demand the highest level of ethics and accountability.  ~ J. Richard Finlay in testimony before the Standing Committee on Banking, Commerce and the Economy, Senate of Canada.

The Finlay Centre for Corporate & Public Governance is the longest continuously cited voice on modern governance standards. Our work over the course of four decades helped to build the new paradigm of ethics and accountability by which many corporations and public institutions are judged today.

The Finlay Centre was founded by J. Richard Finlay, one of the world’s most prescient voices for sound boardroom practices, sanity in CEO pay and the ethical responsibilities of trusted leaders. He coined the term stakeholder capitalism in the 1980s.

We pioneered the attributes of environmental responsibility, social purposefulness and successful governance decades before the arrival of ESG. Today we are trying to rebuild the trust that many dubious ESG practices have shattered. 


We were the first to predict seismic boardroom flashpoints and downfalls and played key roles in regulatory milestones and reforms.

We’re working to advance the agenda of the new boardroom and public institution of today: diversity at the table; ethics that shine through a culture of integrity; the next chapter in stakeholder capitalism; and leadership that stands as an unrelenting champion for all stakeholders.

Our landmark work in creating what we called a culture of integrity and the ethical practices of trusted organizations has been praised, recognized and replicated around the world.


Our rich institutional memory, combined with a record of innovative thinking for tomorrow’s challenges, provide umatached resources to corporate and public sector players.

Trust is the asset that is unseen until it is shattered.  When crisis hits, we know a thing or two about how to rebuild trust— especially in turbulent times.

We’re still one of the world’s most recognized voices on CEO pay and the role of boards as compensation credibility gatekeepers. Somebody has to be.

Why Are AIG’s Directors Still in the Room?

AIG has a current board of 11 directors. Of those, seven have been on the board since at least 2006 and five have been there since 2005 or beforeTwo directors have been around since the 1990s. One of them is Martin Feldstein, who has been in that position since 1987.  He is also a member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.  If anyone can explain that unique convergence of events, maybe they can tell us when the Dow will be back up to 14000.

Question to Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner: Why are these directors, who were presiding (or was it slumbering?) over the company when the seeds of its record disaster and taxpayer calamity were being sewn, still allowed anywhere within a five block radius of AIG’s boardroom?

…and the Lunacy that is AIG

If this is the cost of saving a company that they claim is too big to fail, maybe the alternative should be explored.

Loss for Q4 2008 $61.66 billion
Loss for FY 2008 $99.3 billion or $37.84 a share (for shares that are trading at
Cost of three previous federal bailouts $150 billion
Cost of fourth bailout today $ 30 billion
Loans and credits from the Federal Reserve System $34.5 billion
Total loans, investments and Fed commitments $214.5 billion

It is said this is being done because AIG is too big to fail.  It was widely held that the Titanic was too big to sink. At least it had the courtesy to hit the iceberg just once, and not repeatedly as this monstrosity of a financial institution is doing.

Edward M. Liddy, AIG’s CEO, could not assure CNBC today that this would be the last of the bailouts, nor could he indicate what AIG will look like when this is all over.
A couple of hundred billion or so is a lot to spend on vagueness, uncertainty and a vision that could just as well be expressed by any number of Wall Street-area taxi drivers.

If this is the cost of saving a company that they claim is too big to fail, maybe the alternative should be explored.

Outrage of the Week: The Madness that is Becoming Citigroup…

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To say that one of the most storied banking names in the world has become a ward of the state is to diminish the extent of the reliance.  Citigroup has taken on the likeness of a crippled orphan in a Dickens classic, unable to stand on its own and unlikely to survive against the bitter winds of Darwinian, or in this case, free market, vicissitudes.

There is a scene in the movie Nicholas and Alexandra where, in the days leading to the outbreak of the First World War, the Czar finally orders a general mobilization of the Russian troops. Among his war council, only a single advisor -played masterfully by Laurence Olivier- voices dissent. Sensing the catastrophe that will soon befall his country, and the fate of the Romanov dynasty, he calls the decision “madness.”

It is a sentiment that quickly springs to mind over the latest tortured survival plan involving Citigroup and the American taxpayer, which, after pumping $45 billion into the institution, now becomes the largest single shareholder. Expectations are that still billions more will be required. To say that one of the most storied banking names in the world has become a ward of the state is to diminish the extent of the reliance. Citigroup has taken on the likeness of a crippled orphan in a Dickens classic, unable to stand on its own and unlikely to survive against the bitter winds of Darwinian, or in this case, free market, vicissitudes.

We have offered our comments and predictions about the unraveling of this institution, and the shortcomings of its board, for a number of months. It began with the overblown, ego-driven monstrosity created by Sandy Weill, who capped his career with a series of costly scandals. It continued with his hand-picked protégé, Charles Prince, who, after boasting that he had his arms around the challenges to the company, displayed a striking lack of judgment and experience in handling those twin vials of financial mercury known as risk and leverage. It then turned to a hedge fund manager, Vikram Pandit, for the bank’s salvation, which was more like the Titanic turning to the iceberg. Sound governance has been the missing voice in the room at every step along the way.

“Too big to fail”? Sandy Weill, Charles Prince and Robert Rubin invented the concept long before the current crisis made government the hesitant partner. There has never been a sense of mortality in the modern incarnation of this company. Personal hubris, the illusion of invincibility that comes when reality is viewed by distance, and a belief in the inevitability of never-ending success have been the chief prerequisites for entry into the executive suite. Accountability never even made its way into the elevator, much less into the boardroom, at Citigroup.

It may well be that weaknesses and failures in government oversight, especially in the previous administration that favored less regulation and soon became fixated on blunting the effects of Sarbanes-Oxley shortly after it was passed (as former Treasury Secretary Paulson betrayed in his first year on the job), played a role in bringing Citi to this sorry state. So, too, did the long vacation from reality that Wall Street and much of business took when they saw an endless horizon of people willing to pay any number of transaction fees, max out their credit cards and refinance their homes multiple times, and a banking system eager to make ever grander sacrifices to the god of high leverage. Citi pursued this path with unbridled enthusiasm.

What needs to be remembered is that Citigroup’s directors are the ones who were in the room -or were supposed to be- when the key decisions were being made and the big questions needed to be asked. They failed on both counts. As the New York Post quoted us on the subject some weeks ago,

Citigroup’s board of directors increasingly resembles a first-class sleeping car on a train wreck that just keeps happening,” said J. Richard Finlay, head of the Centre for Corporate & Public Governance.

“Almost whatever it does, it is too slow and too late.

It can take months for Citigroup’s directors to clue into what others in the real world have known for some time”.

Public rescues and bailouts, including the most recent effort with Citigroup to twist itself into a pretzel by turning the government’s previous cash injections into the largest ownership stake in the bank, only give tacit approval to the governance disasters and shortcomings that have taken place. It is a bad model for the financial world in the best of times. But the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression makes this far from the best of times.

We remain skeptical, as we have from the outset of the TARP bailout,   that the infusions of public investment are either wise or that they will work as intended. One of the reasons is that essentially the same players remain in the boardroom in most situations. This is especially true at Citigroup. A measure such as the unprecedented and costly type announced today should have been accompanied by an announcement of immediate changes in the boardroom and in the CEO spot. That it should be left to long-time director and current board chairman, Richard D. Parsons, to say that there is no time frame for making any changes at the top shows that he, the board and the administration still do not get it.

Much more than Citigroup’s stock has plunged 94 percent over the past year. Respect for capitalism, and the timeless covenant that the use of other people’s money must be accompanied by the most rigorous accountability at all levels, have been casualties on a grand scale.

The failures that have led to today’s most recent rescue, much of which can be traced to arrogance and lack of accountability at the top, are the doubtless outrage here. But when a government continues to buy into the notion that such institutions are too big to fail, by throwing billions after upon billions into propping up such a discredited model even after bailout after bailout fails, it is beyond folly. One cannot repeat the same actions in response to the same mistakes, which produce the same outcomes time and again, as now two separate administrations have done with their banking and insurance rescue plans, without the specter of madness being raised. The madness can be counted in the trillions now. More will surely follow with the horrific $60 billion forth-quarter loss anticipated for AIG, another showcase model of discredited corporate governance and risk management.  With three bailouts totaling $150 million, the company has become a significant drain on the U.S. taxpayer – now the insurance giant’s largest single investor. What toll this and all the other apparently bottomless handouts and bailouts of former bastions of free market principles who, not long ago, wanted to be left alone by government, will take on other virtues, such as the credibility of a young administration and the confidence of an exhausted and battered American public in it business leadership, is yet to be written.

We can hope that the fate of the financial system and the trust that is indispensible to the institutions of both capitalism and government do not suffer anything like the fate of that other institution where indifference to the rising dissatisfaction of constituents had a very bad ending. It, too, proceeded on the mistaken belief that it was too great to fail and that the world could not possibly survive without it, until its financial excesses and arrogant missteps mounted so high that they toppled over even the gilded gates of the unthinkable and the unprecedented.

John Mack’s Bonus Reality Check

We love what we do.  If you gave me no bonus in the best years, I would still be here. 

John Mack,  CEO of Morgan Stanley, in testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, February 11, 2009

When Mr. Mack rejoined Morgan Stanley in June 2005, he was awarded stock worth $26 million on day-one, and a further $13 million in compensation and benefits for his first five months of work.

In December of 2006, Mr. Mack was awarded a bonus of $40 million on top of his $1.4 million salary.

$80 million over two years.  That’s a lot of love. 

Davos: The Spectacle of the Desperately Discredited Attempting to Flee the Apocalypse of their Own Creation

What the regulars at this fabled Swiss resort did not appear to grasp is that the breezier than usual air this year was the cold wind of change brought on by the bitter storm of betrayal and personal devastation that millions around the world have felt as a result of Wall Street’s greed and the failures of those expected to regulate it.

The Davos Style from Another Era

The annual procession of the pantheon of the overrated, otherwise known as the World Economic Forum, concluded this week.It ended with a bulletin:The forum’s members have not quite figured out how to get themselves (and us) out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

But Davos was never about ideas or innovation. And it has never been about vision. This is a group that can’t see ahead even a few months, much less the years they would like to profess.Today, it is about the desperately discredited attempting to flee the apocalypse of their own creation. Fearing, as others have during times of transition when the touchstones of power and privilege were crumbling and a new order was beginning to arise in their place, these CEOs and princes think that if they just stick together they might be able to survive.  Somehow they hope that the trillions that have vanished on their watch, and the trillions more that have had to be injected into their companies to avert Armageddon, will recede from the public consciousness and their previous status of unquestioned deference and unchallenged compensation will resume.  This is what the Davos crowd took from President Barack Obama’s inaugural address (loosely borrowed from Jerome Kern’s song of the same name) that it is in such times that America picks itself up, dusts itself off and starts over again.  A more contemporary songwriter might advise this group that you can’t always get what you want.

Having been escorted to the brink of ruin by the leaders who insisted they had all the answers (and made most of the rules), the public is not soon likely to entrust its fate to multimillionaires whose idea of tragedy is to be left off the A-list party circuit at Davos, and whose notions of governance and oversight are reflected in the fox-guarding-the-hen house board structure of the New York Federal Reserve, where, for instance, Richard Fuld Jr. was a director until the collapse of Lehman Brothers.  What the regulars at this fabled Swiss resort did not appear to grasp is that the breezier than usual air this year was the cold wind of change brought on by the bitter storm of betrayal and personal devastation that millions around the world have felt as a result of Wall Street’s greed and the failures of those expected to regulate it.

Two years ago on these pages -and much longer ago in other media- we talked about how visionless and out of touch this group had become. It is, in many ways, symbolic of the leadership deficit that created the circumstances of greed and over-leveraging, ineffective governance and inept regulation that brought the world to its economic knees.

Since the pampered, pumped-up participants at Davos predictably added few, if any, insights that were new, different or particularly hopeful this year, we thought we would reprint our observations from 2007.

Tell me one major sea-changing event that has been anticipated or predicted at Davos in the past two decades. Show me a crisis that has been averted. Everything takes place in rear-view time… In many respects the image is one of myopic leaders still sitting atop the overreaching and unsustainable and who refuse to recognize the existence of icebergs until the Titanic calamity occurs.

Of all the deficits and shortages in the world today, it is the lack of genuine character in so many leaders and the absence of truly transformative leadership that is the most striking. In this, Davos is an apt mirror. One sees in this annual Alpine pilgrimage to Davos fragments of the grainy black and white movies showing the imperial families of Europe gathering in their toy soldier costumes and opulent surroundings, oblivious to the marshalling clouds of change and discontent that would bring their primacy to an end.

It seemed to catch a glimpse of the wreckage to come.

The Disingenuous Fleeing to the Indefensible

Former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain has tried to explain his spending spree of more than a million dollars on antiques for his office, in December of 2007.  He claims it was a “very different economic environment.”  How different might that be?

He was brought in to replace Stanley O’Neal –who had just presided over a $2.3 billion third-quarter loss in 2007– at the time of the worst loss in the company’s history.  Shortly after Mr. Thain took over, the company reported a staggering 9.8 billion loss for the fourth quarter, an even bigger record smasher.  But these losses were apparently not enough to cause Mr. Thain to have any doubts about the “economic environment” –or the merit, much less optics, of spending $1.2 million on carpets, drapes, antique chairs, mahogany tables and the world’s most expensive waste paper basket at $1,400.

We said recently that Mr. Thain’s actions are an example of what we have seen too often on Wall Street: the patently over-praised engaging in the unmistakably despicable.  From what we saw of Mr. Thain’s flimsy explanation, we must add to it the spectacle of the disingenuous fleeing to the indefensible.  This appears to be a growing characteristic of those who occupy double digit million dollar luxury digs on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.  Richard Fuld (of defunct Lehman Brothers), Jimmy Cayne (who once headed Bear Stearns) and Bernie Madoff (now confined mainly to house arrest while he awaits trial on charges of masterminding the largest Ponzi scheme in the world) jump to mind. 

Some neighborhood.  Penthouses and shiny Escalades on every corner, but seldom even the frailest silhouette of sound judgment ever encountered.